Why is the sky blue? Who colour it?

During the day time the colour of sky is Blue and during night it is Black with bright dots called Stars.


Do you know the reason behind Blue colour of Sky. 

Let's discuss about it in detail.

Why is Sky Blue?

Sunlight, which is white, scatter while traveling in Earth atmosphere; due to the different density of different atmosphere layers.

Light have seven colour band, this bend is called of seven colours is called as Spectrum.

Seven Colours are:

Violent- Shortest wavelength
Red- Longest wavelengths

This seven colours band is also called as VIBGYOR.

 When sunlight collides with molecules of air, it’s scattered in all directions. 

The shorter wavelengths of sunlight are more susceptible to scattering than longer ones—so light at the violent and blue end of the spectrum scatters more than red, yellow or green.

Now, you have questions about Violent. You will ask that Violent have shortest wavelengths, so Why sky is not violent.

Why don’t we see the sky as Violet? 

We don't see sky as Violent because Violent has shorter wavelengths than blue and should be scattered more intensely by the atmosphere.

 There are two factors that rule that out.

One is that the violet part of the sun’s spectrum is less intense than the blue, so there’s simply less violent light. 

The other is that our eyes aren’t as sensitive to violent as they are to blue.

Now, you also ask that Our eyes are less sensitive to Violent, then Why we can see the Violent in Rainbow ?

Why we can see the Violent in Rainbow ?

Because the violent band, this is separated from the other colors, whereas in a sunny sky it isn’t separate from the other colours.

However, if you look in the direction of the sun at sunrise or sunset, the sky looks red or orange.  Do you know Why it happens ?

Why the sky looks red or orange at sunrise or sunset ?

That’s because the sun is near the horizon during the time of sunset and sunrise and you’re looking through much more atmosphere and see only the small fraction of the sun’s spectrum that most for scattering of red and orange.

Now you ask; why the sky blue in the west direction?

It is because the sun is in the east and you look at the sky in the west, the blue you see is the light that has been scattered away from the sun and then toward your eyes. 

Now, I can guess that you have understood the whole concept behind the blueness of the sky during Day. 

Also, read our post about the Twinkling of stars in night. It will make you able to understand the all concept.

              Why Stars twinkle in night sky?

Now only one thing remained to do; that is Thanking. Yes, thanking to who first given us the idea of Scattering of light.

Who explained Scattering of light first?

To describe this phenomenon, not one scientist devoted his/her life. Many European, American, and Indian scientists devoted their life.

They not only given theories but also do practical. 

One scientist, firstly described some; and afterwards many scientists ellobrated that first given theory. 

Scientists who played a major role in describing the Phenomenon of Scattering of light:

Issac Newton- He demonstrated that clear white light was composed of seven  visible colors in 1960s. He show this using Prism.

John Tyndall- He discovered that when light passes through a clear fluid holding small particles in suspension, the shorter blue wavelengths are scattered more strongly than the red in 1859.

Lord Rayleigh- He published two papers on the color and polarization of skylight to quantify Tyndall's effect in water droplets in terms of the tiny particulates' volumes and refractive indices in 1871.


If I want to describe this article into two words, then I describe it as Scattering of Light.

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