Why mosquitoes fly in random motion?

We see mosquitoes, insects or flies all around in our lawn or open area. They are all around us.

They affect us also, by biting. And sometimes they causes us serious diseases like dengue, Chikungunya, malaria, and many more....

And you always trys to keep them away from you. Some of the way you use are like fumigation, liquid vaporizer, hitting them with Mosquitoes killer. 

A beautiful butterfly, which you want to catch.

Notice: If you want direct answer then read from 
How mosquitoes and moths move?

The Great Struggle:

One day you are walking in your lawn and muttering a sweet song. You keep on walking and muttering the song.

But, a hurdle came, that are some mosquitoes. And you noticed them and you rushed in your room and apply some mosquito repellent cream on your hands and on face.

And taken a bug-zipping racquet and rushed to the battlefield..hhhh

Sorry...... Let me repeat this like correctly.

And taken a bug-zipping racquet and rushed to the lawn to kill mosquitoes.

You tried too much but unable to kill them, because of their random motion.

And now your are unable to catch them, but you tried and at last you take them to the death.

Now, if you were conscious about that moment, then you noticed the motion and started thinking about their motion.

So, let's start and disclose mosquitoes and moths moment. 

And we will take butterflies as example to disclose the whole seen, because their moment it more noticeable.

How mosquitoes and moths move?

Mosquitoes and moths moves in random motion.

Random Motion is a motion in which an object didn't go in a straight manner, the object move in a zig zag manner.

Why do they fly in random motion ?

 Mosquito's random flight is actually an evolutionary tactic that makes it harder for predators to predict the insect’s flightpath. 

This is just a small example description.

Now, let's discuss, What studies suggest?

What studies Suggest ?

Fluid dynamics simulations carried out at Kyoto University in Japan showed that butterflies achieve their trademark swoops and tumbles by generating extra turbulence with each wing beat.

And high-speed photography studies from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore reveal that they also constantly adjust their centre of gravity by shifting the position of their body and wings.

 Monarch butterflies are so good at this that they can effect a 90-degree turn in less than a single body-length.

Monarch butterfly, expert in random motion

These are some reasons and expert; Monarch butterflies, of that field.

But some mosquitoes and moths are daring, that's why they fly in straight line.

Who some fly staight And Why?

Some moths and mosquitoes are very daring because of poison, they have.

Did You Know ?

The distance that some monarchs migrate is 4800 km.


Moths and mosquitoes basically fly in random motion, only to protect themselves from their killer.

So, that enough. Thanks for your support to the end.

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