Why do some people faint when they see blood?

You have seen many people got fainted; when they seen Blood.

Do you want to know, Why people faint when they see blood.

If yes, then read the article to the end. And I guarantee, you will understand it well.

Let's starts by knowing What is Fainting?

What is Fainting?

If you ask my the basic defination of Fainting, then I will define Fainting as Lowered blood pressure, an irregular heartbeat or low blood sugar, which result in a momentary loss of consciousness called as fainting—or in medical terms, syncope (rhymes with “canopy”).

If you ever noticed anyone Fainting, then you have noticed the different acions done by one's before Fainting.

The Basic actions, after that a person Faint:

Some people fainting after coughing

Some after urinating 

Some after stretching. 

Some can faint simply by getting out of a chair too quicky.

These are the most common actions before One's faint.

Now, you also have question regarding the last point. That question can be 'Why I faint simply by getting out of a chair too quicky?'

Why I faint simply by getting out of a chair too quicky?

This happens because standing up suddenly causes your blood got collected in your legs, which lessen the blood  flow to your brain.

 If that dip in blood pressure is extreme, it knocks or faint you out for a short time. 

And you recover because blood flow is re-established to your brain, either because you fall down or because you have the presence of mind to tuck your head between your legs just before you black out or faint.

And in both cases, your head is positioned below, or at least no higher than, your heart, so refilling the brain with blood is easier.

But all these versions of fainting are straightforward physiological events triggered by physical stimuli, not mental conditions.

How do we explain what happens when fainting is induced by pain, anxiety, emotional stress or fear? 

For Example: 

Fainting at the sight of a needle.

Fainting at the sight of blood.

Now, this explained by German Doctor Rolf Diehl, who explained Fainting in 2005 at the Krupp Hospital in Essen, Germany.

So, let's take a look at his suggestion. 

What Rolf Diehl suggested?

He suggested that fainting, with its accompanying drop in both blood pressure and heart rate, and was a protective response exhibited by wounded animals. 

He reasoned that if an animal starts bleeding (and we are animals, remember!), its initial response is to constrict blood vessels and jack up blood pressure and heart rate, 
so as to maintain circulation in the face of blood loss.

But if the bleeding doesn’t stop and the animal’s blood loss reaches a critical value—roughly a third of its total blood volume—the reverse kicks in: blood vessels loosen, the heart rate drops and the animal’s circulatory system slows until it eventually loses consciousness.

But while passing out may leave an animal vulnerable, Diehl argued that the drop in both blood pressure and heart rate buys precious time, allowing blood to clot and thereby reducing total blood loss. 

If the animal maintained a normal blood pressure in this critical situation, he argued, it would actually hasten death, not prevent it.

What’s fascinating is that this straightforward physiological mechanism in humans happens not only in response to the loss of one’s own blood but also to someone else losing blood. 

Now, let's return to the back stream and answer the main question of this article. That is Why do some people faint when they see blood?

Why do some people faint when they see blood?

Diehl found that in cases where people fainted at the sight of blood, the feeling was one of disgust rather than fear. 

That feeling was followed by lowered blood pressure, slower heart rate and passing out.

And you should also think; If the body’s response to heavy bleeding makes survival sense,so the mind’s response to disgust in these situations certainly does.

But, he said that this Disgust is not in all. Some people disgust blood; not each and everyone on earth. 

But some of disgust are in all. Read them in Did You Know.

Did You Know?

Human beings have a long history of reacting with disgust to bad smells, such as feces and rotting flesh.


Fainting is just a reaction of body to protect itself from big damage. 

So don't to panic every moment. Be with us to know something extra to become extraordinary.

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