Why do tigers have stripes? What it's need?

In this article we will learn about the Tigers and it's stripes.This article provide you a enough glance about the Stripes of Tiger. 

This will help you know better about the Stripes of Tiger. The knowledge in this article is enough for a common man.

Before you read about tiger's stripes; I advice you to start with the Tiger.

So, let's start and throw a light on Tiger with a short paragraph.

Who are Tigers?

Tigers belongs to cat family. They are one of the largest cat.

They are carnivorous (who complete their food requirements through the meat of other animals).

Tiger Eating Meat

They tend to live in dense forests. Like Sunderbans Delta's forest in India. Animals of this area are called as Royal Bengal Tiger. 

Do you know?

Tiger is the national animal of India. 

Bengal Tiger

This is a basic introduction to Tigers. 

Do you know, Tigers are not single animals with stripes. In my knowledge many animals have stripes. One them is Zebra.

Read about the reasons behind Zebra having Stripes. 
                    Why Zebra have Strips ?

Now you got a little information about Tigers. Now it's time to answer, Why Tigers have stripes?

So, let's discuss about the reasons behind having stripes.

Why Tigers have stripes?

When it comes to predatory adaptations, you wouldn’t expect a colouration of bright orange with black stripes to be top of the list – in fact, it might not be on the list at all. 

Stripes of Tiger
However, while we typically see tigers in zoo, conspicuous against the green vegetation in their enclosures, their main prey is a group of large mammals that are distinguished from other animals by the presence of hooves, which cannot detect the range of colours that we primates can. 

To an animal with comparatively poor vision, the cat’s bold, contrasting colours are much harder to pick out in the long grass. This method of camouflage is an important predatory adaptation. 

In the upper part of article, I used the term Camouflage. Do you know the meaning of Camouflage. If not, then continue reading. You will get it.

What is Camouflage?

Both predators and their prey use camouflage to avoid being seen.

 By blending in with its background, a hunter can lay a deadly ambush for creatures that wander too close.

Other animals relay on near-visibility to protect themselves from predators that hunt by sight, such as birds.

Most Camouflaged animals have patterns that resemble plants or sand such as tigers, Zebra, etc.

 Some insects even have body shapes that match their habitats such as Orchid mantis, leaf insects.

We read about the Stripes and you know it very well that Nothing in this World, without any reason. And it is all for Natural things, not for artificial or man made things. 

I said this because Humans have created too many things, which are at time become dangerous humans itself. For Example: Plastics

 I also agree that all natural things haven't importance now, but they have a great importance in past.

Many examples exist in our Body also. Some of are: 

Tail Bone,etc....

What is need for Stripes?

Whereas some large felines rely on co-operative hunting (such as lions) or bursts of intense speed (such as cheetahs), tigers are semi-alone and depend on their mysterious  appearance to ambush prey.


Every animals adapted some features to survive in this interdependent ecosystem.

In this same way Tigers and other animals adapted themselves to survive in this interdependent ecosystem.

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