Where I am? Speed of Earth's movement.

This article is too much interesting, because in this article I will told you your exact location and also told told speed of our Earth at different phases.

So, let's start....

Where am I?

If you wanted to mail a letter to an alien
in some distant neighborhood of the universe. Then do you know what address you should have type in address.

So let's specify...

I live on Earth, the third of eight planets in the solar system.

A star system in the Milky Way.

The Milky Way is a disk-shaped vortex of stars, planets, and clouds of interstellar gas and dust (known as nebulae).

The Milky Way is a “barred spiral galaxy,” meaning it has several arms and a bar that extend from a bulging core thick with gas, dust, and stars. Everything in the galaxy orbits the core.

Now let's discuss about it's speed.

Speed of Earth:

If we choose a suitable reference point to which we can relate the motion of Earth, we can draw conclusion, that our earth have very high speed on different reference points. 

Let's Find the Speed:

At the equator 
  About 1,609km/h (1,000mph) 

Around the Sun
 Approximately 106,217km/h (66,000mph).

We are here now....

Around the centre of the Milky Way galaxy
 About 777,000km/h (483,000mph). 

Towards the Virgo galaxy cluster
 About two million km/h (1.3 million mph).

Why it happens ?

All of these motions are a result of the gravitational interaction of astronomical bodies and the ‘law of conservation of angular momentum’.

The law of conservation of angular momentum states that when no external torque acts on an object, no change of angular momentum will occur.

Torque is a measure of the force that can cause an object to rotate about an axis. 

During the Solar System’s formation, the momentum of the cloud from which Earth formed was conserved as it collapsed, resulting in high speeds.

 The same is true of the Milky Way. As the galaxy collapsed from a huge cloud of spinning gas,it span ever faster and the stars formed within it retained those high orbital speeds.


Remember our address now and also add your home address, city, state, country and Continent. 

So that, Alien can meet you at your home; if they whenever visited Earth.

So its enough for that.

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