Why were Pyramids so popular in the Ancient world ?

In this post we will discuss about Great Pyramids; especially the Pyramids of Egypt.

Because they are most popular and well known by most of you.

So, let's start it with Egyptians.

Egyptians, a short introduction

Ancient Egyptians established the Egyptian Civilization. They resides in present Egypt

They are almost 30 centuries old.

They resides in lower valley of Nile River; the longest river of the world, not largest.

They are most popular because of Pyramids. They took pyramid construction to new heights alongs the Nile River in northeastern Africa 5000 years ago.

Egyptian Civilization is not the only civilization who build great pyramid and to mummify the dead bodies of their kings.

Civilization other than Egypt.

Many other civilization, not only build these great pyramid but also mummify their dears dead body.

Pyramid in Mexico, a piece of art from Mexico; Chichen Itza
Some are:
  • Peru
  • Mexico
  • Guatemala
  • Iraq
  • Rome
  • Spain
  • China 
  • Sudan           
So, now let's get back to our topic and discuss Why Egyptians build Pyramids?

Why Egyptians built Pyramids ?

To the people of ancient Egypt, death was only the beginning. Egyptian kings(called pharaohs ) were thought to become gods when they passed away.

Believes of Egyptians:

Ordinary Egyptians believed that they would spend eternity(or endless time) with their ancestors in a perfect version of Egypt.

The Egyptians believed the spirits of their deadly departed Kings or pharaohs, wouldn't have happy afterlife without access to their former bodies.

Pyramid of Egypt; Great Sphinx of Giza

Egyptians believed their pharaohs were living gods who deserved towering tombs as a stepping-stone to the heavens.

So, priests perfected the process of mummification to keep the corpses from rotting away.

That's why these mountains-size monuments were built as tombs for ancient Egypt's kings or pharaohs.


Pyramids were the most structurally sound buildings that could be constructed out of stones—as long as civilizations had sufficient rocks to quarry and the man power to move them, that's why they built that big-sized pyramids.

Pyramids are also a favorite places researchers, because they are mysterious. 

This is a very beautiful and attractive place as well.

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