How do mosquitoes bite without my noticing?

Today we shall discuss about the technique of mosquitos, that they use to suck your blood without your noticing. We shall learn the reason behind the itching of part, that is affected by mosquitoes.

Sometimes you can feel a mosquito land on your arm or ankle and occasionally you feel a sharp pain, but most often you only realize later what’s happened because of the itch. How does the mosquito get away with that?

Who suck your blood?

Before we start, we have to first know the blood sucker. First we have to determine the sucker, then we shall ready to know their techniques.

Blood suckers are mostly the female mosquitoes, which suck your blood to fed up and to reproduce their young ones.

Male mosquitoes are also suckers; but they suck nectar from flowers, not blood from human body.

Now we have to concentrate only on female mosquitoes, not on male mosquitoes; they are out of that range. They are only suckers, but not perfect as female suckers.

Let's start and know about female mosquitoes technique.

What are requirements?

Their unnoticeable takeoff and landing includes two different techniques.

These techniques are Precision and feeding.

Don't open dictionary to get their meaning, they have something different. Because they are not two words, they are two techniques. And dictionary is only to provide pronounciation, origin and definition.

I shall try my best to recover your lose, which you found by not touching dictionary.

How she Precision in landing on you body ?

Once a mosquito has you in her sights, she has to land lightly enough that she doesn’t draw your attention. 

She weighs only about 2½ milligrams, but the mechano-receptors in your skin (the nerves that sense pressure), are extremely sensitive. 

So she reduces her impact and evades their detection by hovering and distributing her weight over her six legs as she sets down.

To keep the downward force below the sensitivity threshold of the skin mechanoreceptors, the mosquito starts to beat her wings at a furious frequency 30 thousandths of a second before takeoff.
The wings are taking over about 60 percent of the takeoff force, and of course they push on the air, not on the skin. 

She still has to generate 40 percent of the push with her legs, but by pushing a little more lightly than usual, but for longer, the mosquito can get airborne without triggering your nervous system. 

Don't stop reading the post, because it the incomplete answer. Yes, you are reading right; it's incomplete answer.

Because their one more difficulty arise infront of female mosquitoes.That difficulty is for fed-up female mosquitoes. 

Difficulty is that; they are already fed-up, it means they become more heavier than unfed. Now, they have to solve that problem. 

Solution for Challenge

Now they have to options. That are:

One is to push down with her legs to become airborne or to become lighter, but if she pushes with too much force, you’ll feel it, and smack! All that hard work is down the drain. So, their is a risk. 

So, they opt the second option, that is to escape till they become lighter. That's why, they escape by keeping passions.

Other challenge for female mosquitoes, is to feed without detection.

How they feed without detection ?

Now, let's understand the technique no. 2, that is feeding without detection.
For that mosquito uses heat-detecting elements on her antennae to lead her to a place on your skin with a blood vessel just under the surface. 

She doesn’t “bite,” however, but instead uses her needlelike proboscis (a six-tool package in a sheath) to drill through the skin. 

Working of Six-tool package or Proboscis 

Four of these tool are serrated, that grip and pierce the skin.

 The other two are extremely thin tubes, which inject saliva into the blood (to minimize clotting) and check for the presence of chemicals that signal a blood vessel nearby. 

These tubes are amazingly flexible. They can be curve at 90 degree angle.

Several seconds and multiple probes might be required before a mosquito finds what she’s looking for. Then she either inserts her tubes right into the vessel or punctures it, causing a hemorrhage or bleeding, which she then fed up.

Why I mosquitoe affected ittch?

You might realize that you’ve been bitten only when you begin to feel itchy. But that is really your own doing.

The mosquito injects anticoagulants into you to ensure that the blood flows freely, but your immune system recognizes these substances as foreign and reacts against them, causing the swelling, redness, and itch.

Did You Know ?

The mosquito stops feeding because a specific nerve detects that her abdomen is distended, and she withdraws her blood-sucking apparatus. If that nerve is severed, she won’t stop taking blood until her abdomen explodes!


I have described most of the techniques used by Mosquitoes.

So, protect yourself from them by using liquid vaporizer in room.

 But keep precautions and use it for limited time. Otherwise it can you some damage. 

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