Why don’t vultures get food poisoning on eating rotten meat?

Vultures are not just a simple scavenger. It is so good for our environment.

It is very beneficial for our environment. And I shall take you to that benefits.

So, let's firstly take a small to vulture as before.


Vultures are a scavenger bird. They mostly found in Africa, Europe, North America,etc...

Vulture's Group, waiting for leftover

 Most common species vultures are:

  • Andean condor 
  • California condor
  • Hooded vulture 
  • Lappet-faced vulture
  • Himalayan vulture

 And scavenger are those who: 

  • Consume the leftover food of carnivores and herbivores. 
  • Eat the leftover and keep the environment clean.
  • Mostly eat dead and decayed food and also take risk of  eating harmful bacteria and fungi.

Now, you absolutely have question, that is:

Why don't they get food poisoning on eating rotten food or dead and decayed food.

Now, let's answer this amazing struggle of vulture and other scavenger to clean our environment.

How vultures prevent Food Poisoning? 

The one and only thing that prevent food poisoning is Strong Stomach.

The acid in a vulture’s stomach is almost 10 times as concentrated or more acidic than ours. 

That destroys all the bacteria present in food.

But a strong stomach isn’t enough by itself, because once bacteria have multiplied in a decaying carcass, they release chemical toxins that acid can’t destroy. 

To counter this, vultures absorb the toxins directly through the lining of their throat and then neutralise them using antibodies present in their blood.

Do you know? 

Vulture's excreta are actually more hygienic than the meat they eat! 

Amazing, isn't it???

Benefits of Vulture

Vultures play an important role in the environment by reducing the number of contagious bacteria, such as botulism, hog cholera and anthrax.

Help Vulture!!!

Please because they become endangered because of us. Because we hunt them to prove our self.

Help Them, Please!!!

But now we should stop that. Because they are our requirement.

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