Why do mammals have furs? Is there any need for it?

This article is completely devoted about you and the whole the Mammals community. 

This article help you, Mammal, to understand the reason behind having Hairs on your body.

A Cat with thick furs

Before I tell you about the reasons behind having Hairs on Mammal's body. I want to provide you a smal introduction to the Mammals.

So, lets take a small introduction to mammals.

Who are Mammals?

Mammals are from anteaters to Zebras, and even Humans like you, 

And they are in all shapes and sizes.

But you are now thinking about the accurate defination and features of Mammals.

If you are, then don't think; only keep on reading to the end.

What Character defines a Animal as a Mammal?

There are many different characters, which describes a Animal as a mammal.

Some of are listed below:

  • First and the most common feature is warm blood. All mammals have a constant body temperature. 

They produce their own heat to keep warm in Cold weather or sweat to cool down in Hot weather.

  • Second one is Fur, which only in mammals. Fur are tightly packed together Hairs. 

This protect the skin, and helps to keep the the Mammals warm and dry.

Do you know?

Sea otters have the thickest fur of all the Mammals. An adult may be covered in 800 million hairs.

  • Third one is Milk, which is only in Female Mammals and fed the baby at the younger ages.

Do You Know?

Hooded seal mothers produce milk that is much more than 60% fat. That is richer than ice cream.

A Seal with its Baby

Humans have divided everything in different groups or types.

In the same way, Human's have also divided Mammals in different groups.

Let's take a look at those groups.

Different Types of Mammals

There are more than 5,000 different types of mammals in the world today. 

They are divided into three groups, based on how their babies are born and raised.

  • Egg-laying mammals— Yes, some Mammals lays eggs. These mammals are the only mammals to lay eggs. 

For Example: Echinds or Spiny Anteaters and the Duck-billed platypus.

Echind, a Monotreme

They are from Australia and the two types of Monotreme alive today.

  • Second are Pouched Mammals— They are also called as Marsupials. 

They carry their babies in a pouch to keep them safe.

For Example: Kangaroos and Panda.

Kangaroo, a Marsupial

Australia is home to many Marsupials.

  • Third and the most wide spread type, Placental Mammal—They are more developed than Marsupials babies.

This is the largest group of mammals and includes HUMANS.

For Example: Pigs, Goat, Cow, etc....

Placental Mammals

Now let's discuss about the Primary Question of this Article.

Why Mammals have Furs?

You know it very well that Chimpanzees or Apes are primates of Humans, because of that we also have hairs on different parts of our body.

  • And other mammals (cow, goat, deer, etc.) also have hairs growth on their skin(that hairs are also termed as Furs).
  • Did you think about it and ask Why this outgrowth on Mammals body; or you think that this is only a outgrowth on body which keep on growing and we keep them cutting.

In short description, I can say that this is second thing after blood which helps us to keeps warm and make able to survive in intense cold also.

Let's trip to some of the importances of Hairs and it also tell you the reason behind accepting Hairs on Mammals body.

Importance of Hairs:

  • They helps us and other mammals to retain warm and protect from cold. For Example, Polar Bear, which have a  thick coat of Furs(Hairs) and Fat.

A Polar Bear with thick Coat of Furs

  • Hairs act as a trap for smelly chemicals, screated by body of Mammals.
For Example, Armpit Hairs in Human, that collect all sweat and chemicals screated.

    • Hairs convey all sorts of information about each animal. 
    For Example, Strips of Tiger and Zebra. The strips pattern of each and ever Tiger or Zebra different, like are Fingerprints. These helps to differentiate between them.

      These are some importance of Hairs or Furs for animals, which helps them to survive in nature. 

      But nowadays, the Hairs or Furs become very important for Humans.


      Because Humans are using Furs of animals in commercial way:

      We use animals Furs to make clothes. This generates employment for two Groups.

      Shearing a Sheep

       One for Herders (They rear sheep,goats,Yak, etc., shave their Furs in summer season and sell to manufacturer) and other are Manufacturers (They buy Furs and transform them in clothes and sell them to consumers).

      It's enough for that Query.

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