Benefits of Bananas for us and other fruits.

Banana is a very tasty and a healthy fruits. And we know this thing very well.

We usually eat bananas, which is good for our health as well as good for other fruits; which I will tell you later.

So, first let's take a look at the benefits of bananas.

Fruit with many benefits

Benefits of Eating Bananas

  • Good source of Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 from bananas is easily absorbed by your body and a medium-sized banana can provide about a quarter of your daily vitamin B6 needs.

It helps our body to:

metabolise carbohydrates and amino acids(protein).

produce red blood cells.

Maintain a healthy nervous system 

Remove unwanted chemicals kidneys and liver.

  • Make our digestive strong and prevent constipation.
  • Good for our skin because of good amount of Manganese.
  • Have good amount of Vitamin C, which protect our body from cell and tissue damage.
  • Good for our heart, because it has good amount of potassium and removes cholesterol and fat from body.
These are the some basic benefits of eating bananas. 

Now, let's consider how they are beneficial for other fruits.

How they beneficial for other fruits?

Bananas are beneficial for other plants in this way:

Bananas helps some other fruits to ripe faster.

Now let's find How???

Bananas produce ethylene gas (C2H4), which acts as a plant hormone.

 Plants have genes called ETR1 (or  Ethylene Receptor 1) and  CTR1 (or Copper Uptake Protein 2) that regulate lots of other genes involved with growth, ageing and cell death.

Banana with Other Fruits

When ethylene gas is present, ETR1 and CTR1 are shut off, which allows the other genes to swing into action. 

That cause faster ripening of some fruits.


Caution is here is that some fruit plants use this mechanism to control the sequence of cellular changes in their ripening process. 

It mean it is not for all fruits. For your knowledge, let's find which some fruits are.

Benefitted Fruits

Apples, pears and melons are some benefited fruits. They are benefited because they are sensitive to Ethylene.


Eat fruits in a sufficient amount. Add them in your diet.


Once keep fruits with banana and observe the result and comment me in the comment section.

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