How long can a person survive without food ?

Food is the basic needs of Humans, means yours. It is very important for you and me, also.

If we don't take it, we can't survive.

Now, I know you have question; Why food is too much important for you and me?

Let's find out.

Why Food and Water are too much Important?

It's answer is not too tough. If you are concious about your body, then you don't have any need to read this type of article.

Let me ask you two question which will take you to the answer of main question;

 When you eat food?

You may simply answer, when I feel Hungry.

Now tell me,

What happen, if you don't take food for long?

You may answer, I feel weak.

Now let's connect both your assumed answers and find a well elaborated answers.

  • You eat when your are hungry, it means your body is alerting you to take food.
  • Now, you shall said if I don't take food for long then You shall feel weak. It means you need food to keep your body energetic.

Now, let's take a look at the highest survival time without food.

Highest Survival Time without Food

People have survived more than ten weeks without food, but they had water and didn't need to move too much.
Mahatma Gandhi

Food deprivation is also a difficult thing to test ethically, though voluntary hunger strikes give us clues. Mahatma Gandhi's longest of many fasts lasted 21 days.

                     Terence MacSwiney
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But the longest-lasting hunger strike in recorded history was undertaken by an Irish political prisoner, Terence MacSwiney, whose 74 days strike ended with his death in 1920.


In the end I only want to say that,

Food is the basic requirements of the body. We should eat healthy food.

Eat Healthy, Live Healthy.

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